Jewish wedding ceremonies vary from Orthodox to Reform. However, some components of the wedding service are found in all Jewish services.

The huppah, or wedding canopy, covers the bride, groom, and rabbi during the ceremony. Originally, the huppah was the bridal chamber itself. In our times, the word symbolizes the couple's entering into the chamber.

The wedding ring must be plain gold without any stones. The groom places it on the bride's finger as he says, “You are sanctified to me with this ring according to the religion of Moses and Israel.”

He and the bride sip wine from the same glass over which blessings have been said. The groom steps on the wine glass, crushing it, to symbolize Jewish mourning for the destruction of the Temple in ancient Jerusalem. The wine glass is covered with cloth before it is crushed to prevent splinters and cuts.

Jewish weddings are forbidden on holy days, such as the Sabbath. However, the holy days end at sundown, and many Jewish couples have Saturday-night weddings.

Men cover their heads in the synagogue as a sign of respect for God. Guests are given skullcaps, called yarmulkes, for this purpose.

After the ceremony, a reception is generally held in a hotel or hall. These receptions are very much like wedding receptions anywhere except that no alcohol is served and the food conforms to Islamic dietary laws.


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Zakynthos P.C. 29100, Greece